Welcome to Our 2024-25 Season!
We have wonderful programs and events to share with our members this year. We look forward to gathering together again and meeting new and old friends. What is it that makes a club? Its members!
Please register for these programs through the website, the Google calendar, or the newsletter. We hope you can join us.
Saturday, September 7th from 9 am-1 p.m.
S.O.F.I.A.'s 14th Annual Walk Against Domestic Violence at Canterbury Park in Montclair
MWC has been a proud sponsor of S.O.F.I.A. (Start Out Fresh Intervention Advocates) for many years. S.O.F.I.A. provides advocacy, supportive services, and referrals for temporary housing of "at risk" women and children of domestic violence. Every year, we walk joyously around the small Canterbury Park, while listening to inspiring talks about S.O.F.I.A. To join our walkers this year, sign up or donate below or register at the walk between 9-10 am. Can't join us? Donate to support the team (choose S.O.F.I.A. from our MWC payment link).
Register to walk here or donate/sign up through MWC here.
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Tuesday, September 17th from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Concert with Pianist Youn-Hee Kim, Faculty at Cali School of Music, Montclair State University
We first met Pianist Youn-Hee Kim when she brought her piano students from MSU to play at our club birthday in April. She was so taken with the Club and the friendliness that her students received that she offered to play for us herself!! Please join us for this special concert, "Epic Narratives on the Piano: A Journey Through Ballades." The program will include works of Bach, Liszt, Chopin, Soler and more and will run approximately 50-60 minutes. Read more about her here. Bring your music-loving friends! Enjoy light refreshments. Program is free to MWC members, with a $10 donation recommended to non-members.
RSVP here and invite your friends!
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Friday, October 11 at noon
Opening Luncheon Hosted by MWC Past Presidents
Please join us as we kick off a new year!
The MWC Past Presidents are hosting a lovely luncheon to kick off the 2024-25 Season. Come and reconnect with old friends and make some new ones! Meet our new board members and learn what is coming in the new year and how to get involved! We will have music from our own Fran and Lou! And food will be catered and served by Jack's Surf and Turf with choices of Chicken, Salmon or both. The cost is $40. RSVP by October 3rd.
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, October 25th, 1:30 pm
Tech Question Day
Bring your tech problems, questions and frustrations and your devices – phones, tablets, laptops - to this interactive afternoon cosponsored by the Montclair Women’s Club and Montclair Gateway to Aging in Place. Learn about Gateway’s programs and upcoming projects. If you aren’t comfortable in the world of devices, aren’t a “digital native,” please don’t be shy, this day is for you!
Click here to RSVP.
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Tuesday, October 29th, 6:30 -8:30 pm
Own Your Story -- Unstick Yourself from Tough Challenges to Transform Your Life
Being a woman in today's world is never easy, but you CAN successfully unstick yourself from difficult situations and thrive! We are partnering with i.Will, a women’s networking organization, for this inspiring i.Will fireside chat and book-signing with 4 authors of Own Your Story: Empower. Connect. Create Change., a fascinating new book sharing women's personal accounts of how they overcame hard challenges to transform their lives. Author speakers include Lindsay Griffiths, Nita Sanger, Jennifer Marino Thibodaux, and Jing Wang. i.WILL NJ Chapter Chair and MWC member Christy Burke will moderate. Registration fee of $30 includes one autographed copy of the book, light refreshments, and networking. Code MWC (for MWC members) gets a $5 discount.
Click here to RSVP.
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Thursday, November 14th, 10am-1:30 pm in New York City
Radical Walking Tour of Greenwich Village with Deb Ellis
Did you know that Eleanor Roosevelt lived on Washington Square West? That there is a “Hangman’s Elm” in Washington Square Park? In this approximately one-hour walking tour we will explore fascinating social justice history, including the birthplace of labor rights (Triangle Shirtwaist Fire) and LGBT rights (Stonewall Inn), women’s marches for the vote, slavery in Greenwich Village and the Civil War draft riots. A bonus: see where Edgar Allen Poe lived! Travel together by train, meeting at Walnut St. Station for the 10:16 train (first train car) or meet at a designated spot at 11:30, optional to stay for lunch together at the North Square Restaurant. (we will update train and meeting times close to the tour) This tour will be limited to the first 15 people to register, so don’t delay!
Click here to RSVP.
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Wednesday, November 20th, 7-10 pm
Friendsgiving Themed Potluck Dinner with MWO50
Meet and Mingle with the members of Montclair Women Over 50 who will be celebrating their 2nd anniversary as a local Facebook-centered group with the motto: JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT! Their goal/mission is to meet, mingle, make new friends, and up the fun factor in each of our lives. Join us!! Bring a Thanksgiving themed dish and come celebrate all that we have to be thankful for!
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, November 22nd, 1:30 p.m.
New Jersey Poet Laureate Ann E. Wallace
Chosen as NJ’s Poet Laureate, Jersey City Poet Ann E. Wallace’s latest collection explores her journey with long COVID. A long-time cancer survivor, multiple sclerosis patient, and one of the nation's first COVID long-haulers, she will join us to discuss living and writing through illness, serving as poet laureate, and using her voice in service of others. She will read from her new collection Days of Grace and Silence: A Chronicle of COVID's Long Haul.
Click here to RSVP.
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Tuesday, December 3rd from 6:30-8 p.m.
Wine and Cheese Book Talk with author Anastasia Rubis discussing Oriana, her debut novel
In May we announced that Oriana: A Novel of Oriana Fallaci, by Montclair author Anastasia Rubis, would be our club’s summer read! Now she is joining us for a wine and cheese to talk about her beautiful novel, which is both a love story and the first biographical novel about the trailblazing and fearless Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci. Christiane Amanpour has called Fallaci her role model for being unafraid to speak truth to power. New Jersey Monthly magazine called it: “The sexy story of a gutsy, trailblazing journalist." Whether you have read the book or not, come join us! Books will be available for purchase.
Click here to RSVP.
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Wednesday, December 11th, 7-8 p.m.
Let's talk travel!
Join MWC Member Ann Forstenzer, a travel agent at Magic Family Getaways in Montclair, to talk about travel related topics, based on the groups' interests. Come and share your most recent travel experiences, where you dream about visiting and help make this group happen! We can get specific or focus on different topics. and the agenda for each meeting may change depending on the interests of the group. What’s hot? What’s not? From all-inclusives, to river cruising, to traveling the world. Let’s all figure out where to go next and how best to get there!
Sign up for the first meeting of this new group--from 7-8 p.m. at the Women’s Club on December 11th. You can reach out to Ann if you have questions or ideas at forstenz@gmail.com
Click here to RSVP.
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Thursday, December 12, 8 p.m.
A Concert with WomenSONG
This year, the WomanSONG chorus’s eclectic programming will include works by Antonio Vivaldi's with Montclair University String Quartet, Max Janowski, Katherine Davis, plus some spirituals and holiday favorites. All under the direction of MWC’s Fran DePalma-Iozzi. This year the program is free for all, donations welcome! Light refreshments will be served.
We hope to see you there!
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Sunday, December 15th, 1-4 p.m.
Crochet Holiday Fundraiser for S.O.F.I.A.
For several years now, MWC has been a sponsor of Start Out Fresh Intervention Advocates (fondly referred to as S.O.F.I.A.), a non-profit organization that provides advocacy, supportive services and referrals for temporary housing to “at risk” women and children of domestic violence. Longtime supporter Maggie Rabelo has been busy crocheting and will have an amazing selection of winter garb available for sale at the club Sunday, December 15 from 1-4 p.m. Come by and shop for gifts as well as something for yourself! Donations by cash, venmo, or checks made out to S.O.F.I.A. are accepted, and all the proceeds go to S.O.F.I.A. (Open to all, no RSVP needed)
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Tuesday, December 17th, 7 p.m.
The Italians of Newark: A Century of Italian Christmas Traditions, and more!
Exciting NEW Program!
The Montclair Women's Club is thrilled to collaborate with the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America to present a special evening conversation with Andrea Cammarato-Van Benschoten, author of The Italians of Newark, and Marialena Marzullo, an MSU Alumna/Co-Chair of the Montclair-Aquilonia Sister Cities Agreement. Join us on as we explore the Italian immigrant experiences in Essex County, including a century of Italian Christmas traditions! Delicious Italian Christmas cookies will be provided for attendees.
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, December 20, 6-9 p.m.
Holiday Cookie Swap with MWO50
Come spread some holiday cheer! We will again partner with MWO50, Montclair Women Over 50 for a delicious holiday cookie swap. Give and get home-baked holiday cookies. Bring a dozen (or more), take home a dozen. Prizes for best taste and presentation. Bring your own take home container. We would welcome appetizers to share! If you want to participate in a white elephant gift exchange, bring a gift valued at under $25.
The event is free for MWC members with promo code MWCMember, $10 for non-members.
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, January 17, 1:30 p.m.
Tech Questions Day
Bring your tech problems, questions and frustrations and your devices – phones, tablets, laptops - to this interactive afternoon cosponsored by the Montclair Women’s Club and Montclair Gateway to Aging in Place. Learn about Gateway’s programs and upcoming projects. If you aren’t comfortable in the world of devices, aren’t a “digital native,” please don’t be shy, this day is for you!
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday and Saturday, January 24 and 25
Winter Swap
Wondering what to do with those holiday gifts you or your family received that didn’t quite do it? Or the things that you now want to get rid of because you did receive the perfect gifts? Bring them to the Winter Swap! The Winter Swap will be on January 24th and 25th.
The ONLY donations being accepted are:
· women's, men's, children's and baby clothing, and footwear;
· household goods;
· toys and games - should be taped shut, or rubber-banded, and must have all the parts.
We always need volunteers. If you can volunteer on Friday or Saturday, please email at montclairswap@gmail.com. Any amount of time you can give is great and very appreciated.
Drop off is between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. on Friday, January 24th. Taking things is between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 25th. If you cannot drop off during these times, email me and we can talk about possible alternatives. Please do not leave anything at the Women’s Club before or after the designated times.
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Friday, February 7, 1:30 p.m.
Mystery Month: True Crime Panel -- Behind the Darkness
Join us as we kick of MWC's Mystery Month with Murder! The NY Chapter of Mystery Writers of America has put together this riveting panel of true crime writers who will discuss: What is the appeal of this type of story? How does an author select the real-life tragedy and conduct research? What are the moral considerations in opening old wounds? Hear how these authors peal back the layers on this particularly terrifying and addictive genre. Event free for women’s club members with code MWCMember, and $10 donation for non-members with option to pay ahead or at door. Light refreshments.
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, February 21, 1:30 p.m.
Mystery Month: Cozy Mysteries Panel -- Crime Without the Blood
Join us for the second Montclair Mystery Month panel! This time without the blood but with all the mystery! The NY Chapter of Mystery Writers of America has put together this riveting panel of cozy mystery authors who will discuss: How do you conceive a diverting puzzle without explicit violence? How do you create a sense of danger and build suspense? What is the secret to sprinkling red herrings to keep readers guessing? These four mystery authors will spin a web of intrigue and suspense. Event free for women’s club members with promo code MWCMember, and $10 donation for non-members. Light refreshments.
Click here to RSVP.
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Saturday, March 1, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Antique Appraisal Day at MWC!
The club will be hosting an Antique Appraisal Day as a fundraiser! An expert appraiser from RZM Fine Arts & Antiques, Inc. will be giving information and appraisals for your treasures. You can bring all types of antiques, collectibles and vintage items, including but not limited to: photography and cameras, toys and dolls, Fine Art paintings, watercolors, etchings, watches and clocks, musical instruments, historical documents, 1st edition books, fine jewelry -gold, platinum, silver; diamonds, silver-flatware, trays, tea sets, etc., WWII Military items, antique guns, swords; uniforms, scientific instruments, furniture-antique; art deco and Asian antiques.
Fee is $20 per person for two items.
Refreshments and baked goods will be available for purchase You may register in advance (click here) or pay at the door.
Bakers wanted! Contact Ann Forstenzer if you can contribute: Forstenz@gmail.com or 917-626-8988.
For more information email rzmantique@aol.com or call 845-735-1313.
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District Achievement Days are Coming!
Each spring, club members from our Liberty District section of NJSFWC gather to share their accomplishments in the arts. Mark your calendars to attend and reach out to Jeanne Scott for information about submissions.
March 13: Registration 9:45am/Program begins 10:15am
register in advance to perform or come to watch
Belleville Senior Citizens’ Building
Franklin Avenue, Belleville, NJ 07109
February 15th: Entry Deadline
April 2nd: Spring Conference with awards and luncheon (open to all) at Upper Montclair Women's Club
Click here for submission categories including environment, baking, photos, knitting & crochet, needlepoint, quilting, painting and more.
March 17th: Deadline for entry forms
April 1st: Submission Drop off
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Friday, March 14, 1:30 p.m.
A Profile of JOSEPHINE E. JONES (1920 - 2017) by Her Daughter Author Wendy Jones
A special and very personal story for Women’s History Month. Josephine E. Jones, daughter of a South Carolina sharecropping family, moves to New York in 1946 to work as a cook in private homes. She becomes a Harlem activist, a culinary artist--and in 1967-- probably the first African American woman in management at a Fortune 500 company.
Her life is an American story, a Great Migration story, a New York story, a black family’s story, a mother-daughter story, and the story of a woman’s fight for creativity in the workplace.
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, March 28, 1:30 p.m.
What is the Future of Local News with Publisher Liz George of Montclair Local
Local news is vital to fostering community, but local newspapers have been disappearing across the country. In the past two decades, 2,900 newspapers have shut down and some areas have become news deserts. Montclair reporters and editors are hustling to keep local journalism thriving here with Montclair Local Nonprofit News. Meet Liz George, publisher, and Georgette Gilmore, the Local’s engagement editor, who will discuss the future of covering news in our town, and how they are nurturing a strong, independent nonprofit that covers what’s important to residents.
Click here to RSVP.
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Join Our Travel Interest Group!
Monday, March 31st, 6:30-7:30 pm
The Travel Discussion Group is Meeting again!!
Mark your calendar--all are welcome!
Do you love talking about travel? Have you taken a recent trip? Do you need to plan the next one?
Join our little travel group. We’ll talk about trips and tips! Share adventures and lessons learned. Drink some wine, have some snacks, dream together about future travel! We hope to see you!
Click here to RSVP.
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Friday, April 11, 1:30 p.m.
Michelle DeWitt: To Kaz and Back, with Love
Join us for a heartfelt journey to the steppes of Kazakhstan for an adoption story that is part travelogue, part stand-up act and part Lifetime movie. Told through very personal stories, photos and film clips, Michelle DeWitt will tell the story of her son’s adoption in 2005 as a baby from this far-away land and how they returned 18 years later in hopes of meeting his birth mother.
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Friday, April 25, 1:30 p.m.
Club Birthday Celebration
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Friday, May 9, 1:30 p.m.
Learn About the Alonso F. Bonsal Wildlife Preserve with Kelly McDonald
Montclair’s Alonso F. Bonsal Wildlife Preserve, located on the Northern end of Montclair’s border with Clifton, is a hidden gem! This 21-acre wildlife preserve protects an oasis of trees, streams, native plants and walking paths. Hear from Rutgers Environmental Steward and MWC member Kelly McDonald about the Preserve’s rich history of environmental activism and community involvement. You will also learn about ongoing restoration efforts at the Preserve and, if interested, how you can get involved. Weather permitting, this talk will include a walk at the Preserve meeting at the 25 Riverview drive entrance, otherwise, in case of inclement weather, meet at the club.